Software Gratis untuk menghitung masa subur dan kehamilan

Menghitung masa kesuburan dan minggu kehamilan Anda mungkin sedikit membingungkan. Banyak informasi untuk mengetahui masa subur maupun usia kandungan Anda yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan mudah, baik dari buku maupun internet, cuman semuanya dilakukan secara manual. Perhitunggannya sederhana, cuman lebih oke khan kalo pake software ? Toh rata-rata setiap orang sekarang sudah memiliki komputer dirumah masing-masing. Software ini sangat sederhana,  yang saya buat sendiri  dedikasikan untuk membantu Anda mempermudah dalam menghitung masa kesuburan dan usia kandungan Istri Anda.

Menghitung masa subur penting, kalo Anda belum siap untuk memiliki Anak lagi, was-was juga khan mau berhubungan sex dengan suami/istri Anda? Atau bahkan kapan sebaiknya Anda melakukan hubungan suami istri jika ingin segera memiliki momongan?

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Tingkatan mercury pada ikan mentah seperti sushi dan sashimi

Kebanyakan wanita-wanita yang tengah hamil atau mengharapkan untuk hamil sudah mendengar peringatan tentang resiko makan sushi terkait dengan adanya resiko dari bakteri tertentu dan tingkatan mercury nya. Tetapi wanita-wanita ini juga harus ingat bahwa tidak semua sushi adalah yang mentah, dan ikan-ikan yang mengandung bahan gizi penting dan vitamin-vitamin diperlukan untuk pengembangan dan pertumbuhan bayi mereka. Mengkonsumsi ikan yang dimasak dapat membantu mengurangi resiko adanya bakteri tertentu. Makan ikan yang mengandung mercury rendah merupakan jalan untuk mengkonsumsi ikan secara aman. Ada 4 jenis ikan yang perlu diperhatikan oleh wanita-wanita hamil. Berikut potongan artikelnya :

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Menentukan jenis kelamin Bayi Anda

Eh ternyata jenis kelamin bayi Anda bisa diprogram lho? Sudah tahu ya 🙂 Kata orang sih kalo banyak makan daging kemungkinan besar bisa dapat anak cowok dan kalo pengin anak cewek, banyak-banyaklah mengkonsumsi sayuran. Temen saya karena setengah mati ingin anak cowok, makan daging terus, eh tahunya tetap aja cewek, saya sendiri sebetulnya ga hobby-hobby banget makan daging, malah dapetnya cowok. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan ibu-ibu hamil yang mengkonsumsi cereal dan makanan kaya akan potassium ternyata lebih banyak melahirkan anak-anak cowok lho 🙂 . Berikut artikelnya
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Bantu Otak Bayi Anda berkembang

Segala hal yang Anda lakukan bersama bayi Anda akan membantu mengembangkan otak bayi kita serta membantu mereka untuk balajar. Anda adalah orang paling penting yang berfungsi sebagai guru bagi bayi Anda. Memberikan kasih sayang, membangun hubungan yang erat dengan bayi Anda akan akan membantu perkembangan otak mereka.

Bagaimana Otak Bayi berkembang?

Ketika pertama kali lahir, jantung, hati dan paru-paru mereka telah terbentuk dengan sempurna. Bayi kita bisa bernafas, melihat bentuk dan mendengar, mereka memiliki kemampuan menyerap informasi yang sangat kuat. Koneksi antara tindakan ini telah terbentuk dalam otak bayi sebelum mereka dilahirkan.

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Memberikan ASI untuk Pertama Kalinya Kepada Bayi

Belajar untuk memberikan ASI setelah proses melahirkan yang sangat melelahkan akan merupakan sebuah perjuangan yang cukup berat. Namun bila anda mampu bertahan dan mengikuti beberapa tips sederhana, mungkin anda akan dapat merasakan manfaatnya.

Merupakan hal yang sangat alami dan mengagumkan melihat seorang ibu menyusui anaknya, sebuah permulaan yang merupakan pemberian terbaik bagi si bayi. Namun, walaupun bagi sebagian ibu hal tersebut terlihat mudah, tapi banyak juga yang mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukannya.

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Your child explores their world

As your young child grows, their brain is constantly developing. The first three years of life are very important for brain development as the brain changes quickly during this time. By the age of three, your child’s brain will be about 80% of its adult size, compared with their body, which is about 50% of adult size.You have a crucial role to make sure your child gets support for their brain to keep developing well. To do this:

  • keep providing a safe, secure and loving environment for your baby as they develop into a toddler.
  • respond to your child’s needs. Your care needs to be linked closely to their needs and interests as they grow and change. This can bring many new challenges.
  • let your young child explore as much as possible within reason.

The exploring/learning process

Exploring their world is a vital part of growing and learning for your child. Young children seem to want to do things that make you say “no”. They are seeking and constantly testing the boundaries. For example, they may start eating the cat’s food. Your child has seen their own food in a bowl, and made the connections:

  • “I’ve got a bowl…”
  • “I get yummy food in my bowl…”
  • “Is the cat’s food yummy, too?”

This is actually a very important process. It is the start of your child making sense of their world, and going through the first steps in a process of scientific enquiry. Your child is starting to test out their actions in the wider world. This follows earlier stages of ‘cause and effect’ enquiry such as “what happens when I drop my bowl off the table?”

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Play for babies

Play is very important for your baby because they learn through play. As your baby’s best mate, you can help them learn by playing some of these games, activities, songs and rhymes with them right from the time that they are born.


  • Rock your baby in rhythm.
  • Share simple songs and rhymes.
  • Repeat their favourite songs.
  • Use actions with rhymes and songs such as ‘Incey Wincey Spider’, ‘A E I O U’ or ‘Humpty Dumpty’.
  • Play ‘peek-a-boo’ or ‘kei hea koe?’
  • Make a treasure basket
  • Talk about anything that is happening – what people are doing and saying, who the people are, what is going to happen next, what you are doing with your baby.

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Talking to your baby

Right from the beginning, establishing the relationship between you and your baby is very important for helping your baby to trust and learn. Talking to your baby is a key part of the relationship you are building.

Why is it important to talk to my baby?

Your baby is developing language skills right from the early months of their life. A baby can even hear you before they are born. They start learning language by hearing people speak.

Talking to your baby helps develop the parts of their brain that are wired for language.

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Learning to build relationships

You can give your baby the best start in life simply by being a loving parent. When your baby’s needs are met, they learn to trust you and the wider world. By loving them, you are helping them learn to build good relationships with you and other people too. Attachment is about the key relationship that develops between you and your baby in the first two years of their life. Attachment is important for everyone who has a key role in their life, particularly parents and caregivers. Creating attachment also helps your baby’s brain to develop.

Emotional connections and attachment can start even before birth with the physical link between mother and baby. You may be thinking about:

  • what your child will be like
  • possible names – will their name connect them to the wider family, or be a new name just for them?
  • how you will manage
  • how your baby will fit in with the family and the wider world.

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Learning right from the beginning

Research tells us that rich and meaningful experiences are very important for your child’s learning and development. As a parent or caregiver, you are an important source of new information and experiences for your child. Your child’s learning process begins from even before they are born. In the beginning, you are the main source of new information and experiences for your baby.

Experiences develop your child’s brain

The development of your child’s brain is influenced by the variety and quality of experiences they have in their early years. Every experience helps to create new or strengthen existing connections in your child’s brain. Their brain actually grows in size when exposed to the stimulation of positive learning experiences.

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